Ahuva: Yes, those were the days…
I wasn’t thinking of exploitation and discrimination back then. That was the labor that had to be done, even if the conditions weren’t good. I believe that was the general spirit – we worked diligently, with the belief we have to do what have to be done and to contribute.
Yes, those were the days…
First scene:
(General meeting, electing an economist)
Haim Amani: Due to Yehudit’s illness, she can no longer continue and for no other option we nominate Ahuva Schotz.
Kibbutz members: For no other option. Ahuva Schotz?
Aryeh (chairman of the committee): “…doesn’t see the proposal of a girl for the economist position in Hukuk suitable for the ordaining of order in the kitchen.”
Binyamin Fink: The work at the kitchen and the dining hall can not go further on in its current manner.
Aryeh: In his opinion:
Binyamin: it is not too bad if even a central member will be taken out from another branch and
would be placed in the economy.
Aryeh: His suggestion is:
Binyamin: To return the discussion to the labor committee.
Shlomo Levi: Not only a guy could be suited for this position. A girl could also fit. Ahuva Schotz can be suited for the position, and it’s better if she works in the kitchen than in the laundry.
Aryeh: His suggestion is:
Shlomo: to appoint a girl on charge of the dining hall…
Aryeh: And suggests:
Shlomo: That Zehava Yom-Tov could work at the economy, while Ahuva Shotz will be sent to an economy course.
Members: Zehava Yom-Tov.
Otti: The dinning hall should be separated from the kitchen.
Aryeh: Avshalom- “ Denounces the attitude according to…”
Avshalom: … a guy has better organizational skills than a woman.
Aryeh: His suggestion is:
Avshalom: to choose a female economist to be on charge of the economy, assisted by a guy that will organize the rest of the kitchen’s work.
Members: Denounce! Denounce! “Better than a woman”.
Aryeh: Sarah’le… to her opinion:
Sarah’le: a guy is also allowed to work in the kitchen, in order to share the burden and ease it for the economist, and in order to combine a crew in charge.
Haim Schechter: In case a reasonable crew will be combined for the kitchen, it will damage the nursery homes and the main incoming branches. Damaging the main incoming branches is more serious than a damage to the dinning hall.
Members: “in case of…”
Dina Rot: Has another suggestion – Reuven Hart.
Members: Reuven Hart?
Dina Rot: Her reason is that a guy…
Aryeh: “… a guy is more suitable.”
Puonni: Ahuva must stay in the Laundry, for she has succeed there better than everyone who worked there.
Members: Must! Must!
Aryeh: In his opinion:
Pounni: One should choose a Woman with authority in the kitchen.
Members: Authority! Authority!
Pounni: It is not the economist who counts, but the working crew.
Aryeh: Uri Shim’oni… In his opinion:
Uri Shim’oni: A discussion must be held once and for all in the general meeting about the dinning hall and the kitchen. In his opinion a guy is more suitable.
Shlomo Levi: Return the discussion to the work committee, in order to check further the subject and to set up a plan for the dinning hall.
Shalom Kaplan: Shalom Kaplan. There is no need to return the discussion to the work committee. I accept Uri Shim’oni’s suggestion.
Haim Zohar: Haim Zohar. The problem is what are the obligations of the economist’s position.
Members: In his opinion…
Haim Zohar: Cleaning work must be cut down, and the kitchen and dinning hall must be better organized. Ahuva Schotz is suitable and can fill the position.
Yehudit: The Kitchens’ committee is in a different mind than Haim Zohar.
Aryeh: Insists on his proposal…
Uri Shim’oni: Insists on his proposal to consider Dina Rot as an option for filling the economist’s position.
Aryeh: Zehava Yom-Tov… does not object…
Zehava Yom-Tov: …the nomination of Dina Rot, only if Ahuva Schotz will assist her.
Members: “Does not object, only if…”
Zehava: Dina alone will not withstand the position, health wise.
Aryeh: Ziva…
Ziva: Is against including Dina Rot in the proposals, for she is already nominated for the school’s nursery position.
Aryeh: Sarah Hadar…
Sarah Hadar: It’s about time to choose two economists, that will organize the workers from 4 AM.
Aryeh: Nurit…
Nurit: objects the nomination of Dina Rot, for her method of work is unsuitable for her health wise. By working extra hours she compromises on the defects in the kitchen.
Aryeh: Here are the suggestions for elections:
- Choosing Ahuva as an only candidate.
- Discussing all other suggestions at the work committee.
- Electing after the discussion at the work committee.
In favor of electing the economist tonight- 9 members.
Postponing the economist’s election for after the discussion at the work committee- majority.
2nd Scene:
The visit of the kitchens’ committee:
Up till this day, the economist work was handled without budget or regulations. The Kitchens’ committee recommends to give the economist a free hand within the budget’s limitations that will be approved by the secretary. Conditioned, of course, by regular book keeping by the economist.
It has been decided to upraise the professional level by participation in courses. At the first stage- cooking for children. Due to the financial situation, it has been decided that we’ll settle for presure cocking pots instead.
There is a need in finding a substitute economist, but there is no need to substitute the economist in the near future.
The Kitchens’ committee will assist us financially in order to complete the building of the new Dinning hall. This is utterly mandatory, due to the growing number of members.
Zalman: The big dream of our youth appears to me very faded. Although almost 40 years have passed since I left Hokouk, and even though I never regretted the decision to leave, it was difficult for me to see our beloved home during the 50’s and 60’s depended on selling tourists’ accommodations.
Members: Tourists’ accommodations.
Zalman: The downfall of the dream lies in the misconception of the human nature by the early socialists and their followers, the Kibbutz founders.
The basic assumption of the social movement in general and the Kibbutz in particular was related to the belief in equality. Everybody gets according to one’s needs, and gives according to one’s ability.
Members: Everybody gets according to one’s needs, and gives according to one’s ability.
Zalman: That sounds great, reasonable and above all- just.
Hokouk, a little bit with our help(and maybe more than a little). Was during the years before it’s downfall, a rigid community, that was trying forcefully to maintain a strict socialistic way of life. I believe, it is OK to say now, that Hokouk back then, was trying to the principle of equality, but even then, there were individuals who were more equal. Much More!